Do you like to read?
My favourite books are the ones which are able to make emotions come out while I’m reading. My very favourite books are the ones which are able to put a smile in my face even if I’m not reading, but just thinking about it! They are not essentially amusing but subtle, sweetly or even particularly realists.
So, from inside Aline's box I bring some suggestions for the courageous enough to ready the same things than Lili! ;)
# Métaphysique des Tubes - Amélie Nothomb (novel)
# Stupeur et Tremblement - Amélie Nothomb (novel)
# Life of Pi - Yann Matel (novel)
# Citoyen du Monde - Carlos Ghosn (biography)
# Desert Flower - Waris Dare (biography)
# The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey (business, leadership)
# The Gift of Fear - Gavin De Becker (self defence - astonished ? :)
Hey, sure! You must be thinking that I'm in France so I should be enjoying the great classic French authors... but I do! So I suggest you to try these: